Why Nutritional Therapy?
Online One to One Consultations
Can better health really be the result of enjoying your food? Yes, with us it can! and it's never too early or too late to start.
How often do we blame our age for stiff joints, falling energy levels, weight-gain or slow thinking? These symptoms are often down to a nutritional imbalance or insufficiency, a food intolerance or even just eating too many of the wrong kinds of foods.
We all require a basic level of nutrients in order for our bodies to function at their very best. Stress, stimulants, modern farming, medications and processed food can commonly result in nutritional deficiencies. We may notice low energy, poor digestion, weight gain, headaches, cravings for sugary foods and caffeine before more serious health complaints develop.
Nutritional therapy is the application of Nutritional Science to support and promote optimal health. It is tailored to you as an individual because eating a standard 'healthy diet' is often not enough to relieve the symptoms that develop from years of doing something that simply doesn't suit us. 'One man's meat is another man's poison!" because we are all ‘biochemically individual’ meaning that our genes, our environment, and our health history varies from one person to the next, resulting in differing nutritional needs.
If you'd like to discover how adopting a healthier diet and lifestyle can make a difference to you, please click here to register for your free introductory call (or send me a message using the form at the foot of the page)
Nutritional Therapy is not a replacement for medical care but it can work successfully alongside medical treatment. Any dietary or supplement advice will be checked against any conditions you have, or medication you take, to ensure that there is no conflict. We would hope that with time you may not need a prescription medication, but that decision would always be made by your GP.
Everyone has a different starting point. I work with people who are commited to improve their health and take them step by step through a set of achievable changes, supporting them along the way. I appreciate that people need time to successfully adopt new dietary & lifestyle habits, so my packages are designed to take you through the process of making long-term changes that fit into your life and to hold you accountable to give you the best chance of success.
In a consultation I will:
Explore your health history, diet, lifestyle and current factors affecting your wellbeing
Explain the dietary and lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your current symptoms.
Suggest appropriate changes to your diet and lifestyle. You may be given recipes and handouts to support these changes.
Recommend relevant testing and / or supplementation
My Packages all feature:
An Initial Consultation (90 mins)
We will discuss your health goals and what you would like to achieve from Nutritional Therapy and agree on some clear and achievable goals. Testing may be used to help identify the root cause of your health concerns. You will receive a personalised plan wihin 3 days of your appointment. -
1st Follow up (45 mins)
Diet and lifestyle changes will be discussed, you will be given clear guidance on whch steps to take next to work towards your goals. -
2nd Follow up (45 mins)
The third appointment gives you an opportunity to discuss how you’re adapting to your dietary changes, to continue your education around food and to monitor your progress.
Book your consultation now by calling 07782 325210
Which Nutritional Therapy Package is for You?

Weight-Management Packages & DNA Testing
My 3 Month Weight-Management Packages personalise your diet in a way that works with your body, your lifestyle and your preferences to make weight-loss easier.
Foundation 3 month Weight-Management package £239
Wellness & Weight Loss DNA 3 month Package (includes basic package plus DNA testing using saliva sample & interpretation) from £349.
To find out how your genes could be affecting the way your body processes dietary fat and carbohydrate, how well you process caffeine and which kind of exercise is best for you, enquire now about this package.
Both packages include: full initial consultation, body composition analysis using TANITA Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Scales (in person only), meal options, supplement and lifestyle advice, plus 2 further follow up sessions.
Your weight, % body fat, visceral fat, muscle mass and hydration levels can be monitored (if you wish) at each appointment.
For Weight-Management Courses that deliver answers to the big questions about long-term weight loss and help motivate, educate and inspire you. Please see my company website www.feelgreatformula.co.uk
Are you experiencing digestive discomfort, bloating, migraines, low mood, weight gain, fatigue or skin problems?
Find out what could be causing your symptoms with a comprehensive food intolerance test. Symptoms of food intolerance take up to 72 hours to appear after eating a trigger food and can be tricky to pinpoint without testing.
Many people suffer for years, avoiding foods unnecessarily, missing out on social events or worse still their symtoms make work or home life difficult. Many people don’t realise that food intolerances could be to blame, or which foods are causing the main problem (typically only 2-4 foods!).
​Lorisian food intolerance tests use a simple finger-prick blood sample system. You can take the test in the comfort of your own home, then post the sample back to the Lorisian Laboratory (in a pre-paid envelope), where it is analysed for IgG antibody reactions to 100 food and drinks.
Upon receiving your results I'll help you to remove your triggers, suggest alternative options and take you through my gut-healing protocol before the careful re-introduction process. You'll monitor your symptoms between appointments and we'll meet monthly to help your progress.
Food Intolerance packages include: full initial consultation, food intolerance test & interpretation, action plan, meal suggestions and 2 follow up appointments over a 3 month period. From £349.
A 2012 study highlighted that those who eliminated trigger foods based on food-specific IgG test results had reductions in weight, body mass index, waist and hip circumference and improvements in all indicators of quality of life that were measure, including physical & emotional wellbeing, mental health, social life, pain levels and vitality.
Lewis J et al, 2012: Eliminating Immunologically-Reactive Foods from the Diet and its Effect on Body Composition and Quality of Life in Overweight Persons. Journal Obesity & Weight loss Therapy 2:1

Food Intolerance Testing Packages

Personalised Brain Health Programmes
Are you worried about memory loss, anxiety or low mood?
As a trained Brain Health Practitioner I offer 1-2-1 targeted support to improve your memory, focus & mood at any age.
I'll work with you to establish the most important habits you need to change, then develop an action plan to improve your diet & lifestyle in ways that can help to optimise your brain health.
The Brain Health 1-2-1 Package includes 6 x sessions, action plans, recipes and full support. £350 (a discounted price per person is available for couples and small groups)
Any additional supplements are not included.
Client Feedback
"I was very impressed with the way Laura provided me with straightforward and effective advice to help reduce my bad cholesterol & increase my good cholesterol.
In addition Laura has assisted me in reducing my body fat and increasing my muscle mass.
I enjoy the consultations with Laura, she has a professional approach with a friendly manner." Howard, Manchester
"Laura tailored the plan to exactly what I do and don’t like to eat and I managed to get to my ideal weight within a couple of months. Laura does not do quick fixes which can soon become unfixed. The main aim is to lose weight in a sustainable and manageable way whilst not actually realising you are on a diet – hence making it very easy to keep the weight off!"
Danielle, Manchester
"When I received the Treatment Plan I was impressed just how comprehensive it was, whilst remaining easy to understand and achievable to comply with. I have followed the treatment plan for nearly a year, and my General Health and Lifestyle have improved greatly. I cannot recommend Laura's treatment highly enough, and I am extremely thankful that she was recommended to me"
Jan P, Dorset
“Under Laura's guidance I have not only lost a stone, but I have so much more energy. Laura is an excellent tutor with a friendly but professional approach that puts you at ease and she encourages you to embrace change”
Deborah, Cheshire